SU 4 Class Page

Check the  Schedule of Classes frequently; any changes in the schedule will be reflected in that Document.

Lessons Plan:       Orientation for the SU-1 class:    Webinar   and   Notes

  1. Introduction: Software QA Profession, curriculum, setting expectations
  2. User Interface and Usability Testing
  3. How would you test? – job interview questions
  4. Bug Reporting and Bug Tracking
  5. Energy-Telecom req’s and functionality testing
  6. Test case – structure and basic points
  7. Mastering Test cases
  8. Test Documentation – test case, test suite, test plan
  9. Software Development Life Cycle – Agile, Scrum, Waterfall
  10. Clearance questions
  11. Test documentation and bug reporting Practicum – 1
  12. Test documentation and bug reporting Practicum – 2
  13. Interview questions related to Software Quality Assurance
  14. Interview questions related to Types of Software Testing-1
  15. Interview questions related to Types of Software Testing-2
  16. Job market. Job search as a process.
  17. Job Search: Keyword coding of profiles
  18. Networking. Talking to recruiters.
  19. Common interview questions. Company/Project story.
  20. Working with Craigslist, Meetup. Answering student questions.

Web Testing Project:

Session 1/3
Session 2/3
Session 3/3
Обзор Проекта


Backend Testing

Unix/Linux 1/4
Unix/Linux 2/4
Unix/Linux 3/4
Unix/Linux 4/4
Unix Review in Russian
SQL 1/4
SQL 2/4
SQL 3/4
SQL 4/4
SQL Review in Russian
Testing with API+Postman 1/2
Testing with API+Postman 2/2
API Review in Russian


Intro to Agile: Kanban, Scrum

Intro to Agile. Scrum BEFORE THE SESSION



Mobile Testing Course/Project:

Session 1:
Session 2:
Session 3:
Session 4:
Session 1-4 Summary
Session 5:
Session 6:
Session 7:
Session 8:
Session 9:
Session 5-9 Summary:
Session 10:
Session 11:
Session 12:
Sessions 10 – 12 Summary



Session 1. Introduction        Webinar /  Notes  /  PPT         March 20, 2023  /  Notes

Home Work Assignment:


Session 2. UI and Usability Testing       September 8, 2022 / Notes        March 21, 2023 / Notes

Home Work Assignment:


Session 3. How would you test? – job interview questions       Notes          March 23, 2013  / Notes

Home Work Assignment:


Session 4. Bug Reporting & Bug Tracking        Notes           

Home Work Assignment:


********ПОВТОРЯЕМ занятия 1-4 на русском     Notes

Session 5. Energy-Telecom reqs and functionality testing         Notes

Home Work Assignment:

  • Pre-recorded webinar for Session 5
  • Project URL            Requirements
  • Test Energy-Telecom page using web form testing guidelines
  • Watch “The Strangest Secret” video on Youtube video


Session 6. Test case – structure and basic points         Notes

Home Work Assignment:

  • Watch Session 6 pre-recorded webinar
  • Test Documentation interview questions
  • “Turban and the Iron Pan – video on Youtube
  • Read “Software Testing” : Chapter 16. “Planning your test effort”
  • Take the Test Documentation-1 quiz

Interview questions covered:

  • Explain Equivalence partitioning?
  • What is test case?
  • What is test plan?
  • How would you test text field?

Session 7. Mastering Test cases         Notes

Home Work Assignment:

  • Watch Test Documentation videos by Yana Mourza: PPT    part1    part2    part3    part4    part5    part6    part7
  • Take the quiz on Test Documentation-2
  • Watch Jim Rohn – Formula for Success and Failure video
  • Read “Software Testing” : Chapters 17 “Writing and Tracking test cases”
  • Test GUI, usability, functionality of OrangeHRM (admin, password)

Session 8. Test Documentation – test case, test suite, test plan        Notes

Home Work Assignment:

  • Repeat Sessions 6 and 7 material
  • Take the quiz on Test Documentation-3
  • How would you test that (International Calling section)? – Job Interview question


Session 9. Software Development Life Cycle – Agile, Scrum, Waterfall         Notes      

Home Work Assignment:

  • Watch Viktor Feygelman lecture on Continuous Integration – Part1        Part2
  • Watch Iana Mourza lecture on Agile Testing – Part1         Part2                 PPT/PDF
  • Watch Agile Testing with Lana Litovskaya
  • Take the Agile Testing survey
  • Watch Tony Robbins – Clarity and Purpose video

Interview questions covered:

  • What is Continuous Integration?
  • What is Agile? Scrum? Waterfall?


********   ПОВТОРЯЕМ занятия 6-9 на русском   *********

Session 10. Clearance questions       Notes

Home Work Assignment:

  • Repeat the interview questions covered in Notes for Sessions 1 to 9
  • Watch the recorded webinar from the previous class
  • Watch Jim Rohn – Turning nothing into something video
  • More Interview questions and answers

Session 11   Notes  /  Session 12    Notes –  Test documentation and bug reporting Practicum

  • How would you test a pencil?
  • How would you test a toaster?
  • Test cases for restore password?
  • How would you test Gmail application?
  • Account registration?
  • Video file upload in Youtube?
  • Saving files in MS Word?
  • Scenarios to test GPS Navigator?
  • Alarm in your phone?
  • Bathroom scale?

Session 13. Interview Questions:     Software QA           Notes

Home Work Assignment:

  • Watch SQA Interview Questions pre-recorded webinar
  • Watch Bob Proctor talks about infinite potential video
  • Take the Common Interview Questions-1 survey
  • Study Portnov School Interview Questions


Session 14   Notes / Session 15 – Notes    Interview Questions: Types of Software Testing

Home Work Assignment:

  • Watch Session 14 pre-recorded webinar
  • Watch Session 15 pre-recorded webinar
  • Watch Jim Rohn – 3 Questions You should ask your self
  • Take the Common Interview Questions-2 survey
  • Study Portnov School Interview Questions

Rules of Successful Interviewing:

  • Rule of minus-zero-plus – getting ahead of the crowd (competition)
  • Multiple classification criteria exist at the same time
  • For each type of test provide an example from your practice (connect to work experience)
  • For each type of test tell what the challenge was and how you overcame that challenge at work
  • Providing Multiple opinions in definitions is very helpful
  • Ask how they define same thing in their company
  • Answer should sound natural, not as it was simply memorized
  • Timing – make brief and 100% to the point. Ask/offer if more details are needed.

Testing Types to be discussed:

  1. Black-white-gray box testing
  2. Functionality testing? (not Functional)
  3. Regression testing
  4. What is the performance testing? Load? Stress testing? Volume (non-functional)?
  5. Ad hoc, Exploratory
  6. Define User Acceptance Test? Beta-testing?
  7. Smoke testing? (superficial release/build acceptance; sanity check)
  8. What is Unit testing?
  9. Integration testing? System testing? End-to-End testing?
  10. What is API Testing?
  11. Test harness (automated test framework).
  12. Browser compatibility testing (cross-browser)?
  13. Operating system (cross-platform) Compatibility?
  14. Define Equivalence class? Equivalence partitioning? Boundary testing? Boundary Value Analysis?
  15. What is error handling testing (exception handling)?
  16. Localization and internationalization testing

*************ПОВТОРЯЕМ занятия 10-15 на русском*********  Notes

Session 16. Job Market. Job Search as a process.     Notes

Home Work Assignment:

  • Watch Tony Robbins – Breakthrough Relationship
  • Watch 50 Interview Killers: Part1 Part2
  • Take the Job Search-1 survey
  • Read 10 Interview Killers article
  • Action Verbs List
  • Resume Bullets

Session 17 + 18 Keyword coding of Dice profiles + LinkedIn. Talking to recruiters.         Notes

Home Work Assignment:

  • Watch LinkedIn with Victoria Borodina
  • Watch Joe Vitale discusses The Missing Secret
  • Create basic LinkedIn profile
  • Join PORTNOV group on LinkedIn
  • Join 2-3 professional SQA groups on LinkedIn

Recruiters questions covered:

  • What is your rate?
  • How far would you commute?
  • Why are you on the market now?
  • What is your Visa status?
  • Can I get your SSN (4 last digits)
  • Are you willing to relocate?
  • How soon you are available?
  • For how long have you been on the market?
  • Can I get your references?
  • How would you rate your knowledge of HTML (whatever) on the scale of 1 to 10, 10 being the highest

Session 19. Common interview questions. Company/Project story.        Notes

Home Work Assignment:

Interview questions covered:

  • How do you see yourself in 1-3-5 years from now?
  • Tell me about yourself
  • Why should we hire you?
  • What do you like about QA?
  • Do you have questions for me?

Questions to discuss when online:

  • Life Path concept
  • Questions to be asked at the time of interview

Session 20. Answering student questions.         Notes

Bonus Session with Artemii Medani – 1            Presentation1
Bonus Session with Artemii Medani – 2            Presentation2


SU3 – First 3 sessions recorded

  1. Introduction: Software QA Profession, curriculum, setting expectations
  2. User Interface Testing and Usability
  3. Mastering UI Bug reports