CLASS PAGE - Video Archive - - библиотека видео на английском SU-1 - - на английском с субтитрами SU-2 - - открытый класс 2022 года на русском SU-3 - - на английском с субтитрами SU-4 - - начался 28 марта 2023 года Опросник по Bug Reports------------------------------------------------------------- SEVERITY (done by QA) Critical/Fatal (point of no return - crash, it hangs, data corruption) - NO WORKAROUND Serious - bad, but there is a workaround Minor - easy to ignore (cosmetic, UI) Suggestion -(not a bug)-validation - looking at features and their definition Software Testing 1. Verification = making sure the requirements are properly implemented 2. Validation = making sure the requirements benefit the customer 3. Error detection (sub-product of verification) PRIORITY - in which order the problem should be fixed. Set by Manager (Development/Project) - high - medium - low Bug report field written for who? 1. Short Description - assigning manager 2. Steps to reproduce - developer Bug report Status Status - Tester submits the bug report - Open - Dev. Manager assigns the bug - Assigned - Developer fixes the bug - Fixed (Postponed/Deferred, Cannot reproduce) - Tester verifies the bug fixed - Closed What are the most important fields of a bug report? - Short Description - done by tester - Steps to reproduce - done by tester - Severity - done by tester - Priority - NOT done by tester - Status - done by the team Describe the bug's life cycle? - bug found - bug reported (status = open) - bug assigned (status = assigned) by manager... to developer - bug is fixed (status = fixed) by developer - bug is verified fixed - bug closed (status = closed) by tester Q: How would you decide if software is good enough to be released? A: To make sure the most severe problems are not present in released software Changes to requirements are the MAJOR reason for code being REWRITTEN Showstopper Bug - critical bug - the one, which prevents software from release =========================RULES OF BUG REPORTING================================ 1. Bug report should point to the mismatch 2. Problem bug report VS Solution (better) bug report 3. Rule of WWW: - What happend - Where it happend - under Which circumstances 4. Use technical terms, not slang or "people of the street" language 5. Developers know the application, do not teach them what it does/how it works 6. One bug report per one problem to be verified fixed 7. Bug report should be as concise as possible 8. Bug report should be as complete as possible 9. Bug report is not about creative writing, not an essay 10.Minimizing number of steps to reproduce 11.Report a bug immediately, do not postpone/delay