Video Archive - Utest video - Irina' Skype - portnovonline =========================================================================================== What is Software Usability? Software Usability refers to the quality of a user's experience (UX) when interacting with websites, software, devices, or applications. Usability is about effectiveness, efficiency and the overall satisfaction of the user. What is Usability Testing? - Usability testing refers to evaluating a product or service by testing it with representative users. Typically, during a test, participants will try to complete typical tasks while observers watch, listen and take notes. The goal is to identify any usability problems, collect qualitative and quantitative data and determine the participant's satisfaction with the product. - it is not done by QA Engineers/Testers BUG - mismatch between actual and expected behaviour of the application UI Bug - mismatch between actual and expected look/usage of UI Design Elements =========================BUG REPORTS FOR TAULIA============================== #1. Search results table contains 11 invoices instead of 10 as per "Results per page" listbox #2. "Status" column, first cell: replace "Rejcted" with "Rejected" #3. 32 pages of search results are not enough to accommodate "422" invoices #4. Tooltip is missing: binoculars icon next to the "Purchase order" text field #5. "Amount" column suggestion: adjust by the decimal point rather than to the left #6. "Inv. date" column: "1-Oct-2011" is out of range specified in "Invoice date" text fields #7. "Search my invoices" section: most of the labels are missing colon character at the end #8. Link to the page number "5" under the search results table is missing #9. "Actions" button is missing in the last row of the table #10. Column "Type" is redundant since all the results are of type "Invoice" =========================RULES OF BUG REPORTING================================ 1. Bug report should point to the mismatch 2. Problem bug report VS Solution (better) bug report 3. Rule of WWW: - What happend - Where it happend - under Which circumstances 4. Use technical terms, not slang or "people of the street" language 5. Developers know the application, do not teach them what it does/how it works 6. One bug report per one fix to be verified fixed 7. Bug report should be as concise as possible 8. Bug report should be as complete as possible 9. Bug report is not about creative writing, not an essay Descending order - from big to small Ascending order - from small to big =======================Standard controls/methods============================= CONTROL METHOD - button (in UI) push - text field type, input data - characters in text field select (not highlight) - label (static - no action) - check box check, uncheck, trigger - list box item select - combo box item select - combo box type - mouse button click, double-click, press, hold, release - keyboard key press, release, hold, type - menu item select - mouse pointer navigate mouse pointer (to, over) - radio/option button select - mouse drag and drop; point -menu bar contains menu titles -menu items are located under menu titles -menu title with all the items = menu